Category: Business Analytics

  • Excel Quiz 05 – BI Analyst – Power Query + Power BI Dashboard

    Excel Quiz 05 – BI Analyst – Power Query + Power BI Dashboard

    What does the “Pivot Column” function do in Power Query? Which component of Power BI is used for creating and sharing reports and dashboards online? Which of the following actions can be performed in Power Query Editor? Which data source can provide real-time data to Power BI dashboards? To fill empty cells in a column with…

  • Python for Marketing

    Python for Marketing

    1. Exploring Marketing Data with Python 2. Cleaning Marketing Data with Python 3. Manipulating Marketing Data with Python 4. Visualizing Marketing Data with Python 5. Working with Time Series Data in Python 6. Calculating Metrics in Python 7. Automating Marketing Tasks with Python References ● Documentation for Pandas● Documentation for Matplotlib● Documentation for Seaborn● Documentation…